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According to Tainui oral traditions, Waipuna-aa-rangi is the star associated with rain, frost, mist and dense fog.

According to Tainui oral traditions, Waipuna-aa-rangi is the star associated with rain, frost, mist and dense fog. The poetic translation of her name means ‘pools of water in the sky’. Hence, she is the most prevalent star throughout the Matariki period. Active and present in the weather patterns we see and feel during the cold Winter months.

Within the Matariki family, Waipuna-aa-rangi, aligns with the feminine element. She is acknowledged as a daughter of Matariki and sister to her star siblings. Waipuna-aa-rangi, maintains an expressive and highly emotive personality, always willing to share her feelings, which manifests via the frost, mists and frequent rains.

She shares an especially close bond with her star brother, Ururangi (winds). Together, they both compliment and challenge one another’s natural traits and tendencies. In the Northern Hemisphere, she is known as Electra. According to Greek oral tradition, associated with tears.